'Thriller movies in the 90s'
Intro: An exotic-thriller about an emotionally unstable homicide detective Nick Curran (Michael Douglas), who investigates the brutal murder of a rock star. Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone) a crime novelist and the girlfriend of the murdered singer is the number one suspect. But, things get dicey quickly when Nick is seduced by the beautiful ‘femme fatale’ which placed a hindrance on the investigation and subsequently endangers the lives of those who have a connection to the detective. A film that is best remembered by the infamous scene when Catherine is shown slowly uncrossing and crossing her legs, giving viewers a little something extra. [wink wink] 😉
Thought #1: Never allow someone to tie you up during sex!
Thought #2: You gotta love movies from the 90's for their loud, dramatic, over-the-top background music, as if to say this music is more important than dialogue between actors.
Thought #3: Major Processed Hair Alert! "We got a runaway Temptations here."

Thought #4: Catherine asked detective Nick for a cigarette, he said he don't smoke. Then she pulled out her own cigarette and began to smoke. In the mist of smoking, she offered Nick a cigarette, his response again was, "I don't smoke I quit." Her response, "It won't last." (Major power move, this meant that she was in control from the start)!

Thought #5: A group of male detectives is interrogating her, using a calm sultry voice she is openly talking about how she likes to have sex, while purposely not wearing underwear during the interview..."This woman knows how the game is played."

Thought #6: Computers have come a long way baby!

Thought #7: Didn't she say he would start smoking again?

Thought #8: There’s something to be said about being angry but dancing provocative!

Thought #9: Detective Nick is incompetent, dangle a beautiful woman in front of him and he loses all focus on the case.

Thought #10: "I had to hit the pause button on this one." When Nick looked up police records on Hazel Dobkins, it clearly states that she was released from San Quentin on July 7, 1965. This would have been impossible, because San Quentin became a men's only prison in 1933.

Thought #11: This is 1992, and the Black guy in the movie is playing a non-stereotypical role, “Wow, that’s a surprise!”

Thought #12: Moments after Gus is murdered, suspicion points to Beth. Although she is innocent, it didn't help much that she always seemed suspicious.

Thought #13: While making love to Nick, Catherine's weapon of choice is underneath the bed. "What is it with this chick's obsession with ice picks!"

Thought #14: A woman who is of a 'certain persuasion', who happens to be wealthy and attractive..."Of course she got away with murder, Duh!"

1 of my favorite movies :-)(-:
I WasNt eVen BoRn whEn thIs cAmE oUt
Haha thought 3 is funny;;: